Lately I've really been 'promoting' a challenge I started doing. I'm spreading the word on Facebook, at work, with family or anywhere else I can find someone wanting something new to try. After thinking about it I realized you guys should know too.
My challenges are ones I find that everyone can do...that don't require special skills and equipment. We all have ten minutes to give to these challenges and we will all get results. I was a week in when I hurt my leg, so I decided to start back over again with Day can only help me, so why not!
I have to say in that week I did notice some improvement in my derriere. As I've lost weight my co-workers and family said my booty has disappeared and completely flattened.
I also was graciously given my grandmothers back end....'the box butt'. It's so bad I once was told it could be the mold for any cereal company around.
So flat and 'box-like' = not cute at all! Thanks to the 30 day squat challenge it is starting to shape up....HALLELUJAH!
I don't want to be Beyoncé, but it would be nice to wear a dress without people thinking I'm smuggling a book back there.
So my challenge to you...start today with me!
We got this...together we can get through it. Now you might be sore because it does work.
Don't give up and know there are people of all shapes and sizes doing this with me and they are struggling to get up from their desks today.
(Haha - It will get better as you get use to the activity)
Don't forget- Always stretch before you exercise!
If you need to do these in reps that's totally fine. I normally do 20 5-10 secs then do another 20 until I am done.
In case you can't read the picture...
Day 1 50
Day 2 55
Day 3 60
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 70
Day 6 75
Day 7 80
Day 8 Rest
Day 9 100
Day 10 105
Day 11 110
Day 12 Rest
Day 13 130
Day 14 135
Day 15 140
Day 16 Rest
Day 17 150
Day 18 155
Day 19 160
Day 20 Rest
Day 21 180
Day 22 185
Day 23 190
Day 24 Rest
Day 25 220
Day 26 225
Day 27 230
Day 28 Rest
Day 29 240
Day 30 250
Let's do this y'all!
Until next time, be the best you can be!
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