Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Daring Dates

The D word…Dating…it isn’t something I was very familiar with until this year. I have always been in a very serious relationship. People probably think, oh she lost some of that weight and tossed him…that would be INCORRECT…people that date from such a young age tend to change when they get older. I grew into something different. Our paths were taking us down different roads, and I wasn’t feeling the happiness I knew was out there.
I look at my parents’ marriage and  what my father is. I want that type of love; I also want a Godly man like my father. Someone you can depend on, that you know loves you and would never hurt you. That doesn’t seem so difficult right? A Godly man with their life together who can make me smile…it would also be nice if they could change a tire, but hey…I’m not trying to be picky here. ;)
I met so many people, a physical therapist, an engineer, a pilot, a football manager, a fire fighter, a student, the list goes on. People have tried to hook me up with step-cousins, people with three jobs, people moving to Germany in a few months. People that were 6’6, people that were skinny as a bunch of sticks…like that little jingle there, huh?!  

I had great conversation with a man that ended up in the hospital pretty much the day after we had dinner…he spent majority of the next couple weeks there…I believe he is doing much better, I pray so, I also hope he finds someone matched for him. He was a nice gentleman with an awesome career (engineer). We were just fit for friends. Oh and I had nothing to do with him getting sick, he had some type of severe infection in his stomach. I was that person that sent cookies and puzzles to the hospital, so his family wouldn't be bored...yes, I'm awesome, I know (kidding).  

Met a Christian man…I thought YES! He also enjoyed refurbing antiques…SCORE! Well….he wasn’t as Godly as I thought…he informed me that I was still plus size and I would be alright once I got to my goal and had some skin removed…yeah, didn’t speak to him again.

I met a few people that were just too far away and it was just more of a friend fit. That’s my problem, I’m a nice person, and I see everyone as a friend. That and I haven’t really found the connection I have been looking for. Most people are nice, but I can't ever see myself being with them forever.

I went to a football game with a date one night then had a nice dinner. He was a really nice and funny guy. The problem there….A. he was too far away, B. he had a love for food that I couldn’t be around. I know that sounds silly. Think of it like this…if a recovering drug addict was staying clean they wouldn’t want to date a drug dealer…this is the same concept. When you live a healthy lifestyle you can’t be around bad foods all the time. It’s just too tempting. Nice person though, and I see him as a great friend…oh and to top it off…he had the coolest truck!!! LOL
I still laugh about that date actually, my favorite part...the shaky table we ate at...all of a sudden I see him grab some sugar packets and pounce under the table as I hear him mutter..."Going in to do surgery" LOL He was trying to level the table. I remember holding the table as he cut his steak because the shaking was driving him nuts.
 My funniest date was one that I can only shake my head and smile about. I had a lunch date one Friday…the guy brought his Chihuahua!!! He is a truck driver; the little thing didn’t have anywhere to go I guess. Anyway so the dog, the date, and I take off for some lunch at Sips. I asked a question and got no response, so I ask the question again…the response….I’m feeling a little cloudy today…I also got ask what medications I was on, what dosages, and if I was on anti-depressants. My response….nah, I’m a pretty happy person…I left that date in shock. A nice guy, but not the man for me.
I had a very nice dinner date with a friend that has been around a while. We had great conversation, but at times I get defeated because he critiques my food too much. Sounds silly I know. He’s a great guy, but something always stops us when we start talking.

I met a man that drove a very nice Porsche. He was tall, had a good job, I thought OK!
…I spent the next hour listening about all the people that had done him wrong…I literally watched his weird mouth and eye brow expressions. I don’t even know what to say. He was nice, but maybe he shouldn’t spend the entire date talking about all the things you’ve done for people and how they treated you in return. I will say…it sounds like he has a great credit score…for any of you looking. 

There have been a few others, but they weren’t all that memorable. So finally, I decide that I’m so tired of going through the process of meeting new people. I just can’t take anymore. No one has measured up to what I want in life; I’ll just wait and let it happen later. People are cruel creatures, but occasionally, if you look hard enough, you’ll catch a fish that God made just for you. If you haven’t found them, don’t give up, just keep fishing!  
I should also mention that I have became friends with a few people. Not all people you meet are bad; they just aren't for you.



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