Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Daring Dates

The D word…Dating…it isn’t something I was very familiar with until this year. I have always been in a very serious relationship. People probably think, oh she lost some of that weight and tossed him…that would be INCORRECT…people that date from such a young age tend to change when they get older. I grew into something different. Our paths were taking us down different roads, and I wasn’t feeling the happiness I knew was out there.
I look at my parents’ marriage and  what my father is. I want that type of love; I also want a Godly man like my father. Someone you can depend on, that you know loves you and would never hurt you. That doesn’t seem so difficult right? A Godly man with their life together who can make me smile…it would also be nice if they could change a tire, but hey…I’m not trying to be picky here. ;)
I met so many people, a physical therapist, an engineer, a pilot, a football manager, a fire fighter, a student, the list goes on. People have tried to hook me up with step-cousins, people with three jobs, people moving to Germany in a few months. People that were 6’6, people that were skinny as a bunch of sticks…like that little jingle there, huh?!  

I had great conversation with a man that ended up in the hospital pretty much the day after we had dinner…he spent majority of the next couple weeks there…I believe he is doing much better, I pray so, I also hope he finds someone matched for him. He was a nice gentleman with an awesome career (engineer). We were just fit for friends. Oh and I had nothing to do with him getting sick, he had some type of severe infection in his stomach. I was that person that sent cookies and puzzles to the hospital, so his family wouldn't be bored...yes, I'm awesome, I know (kidding).  

Met a Christian man…I thought YES! He also enjoyed refurbing antiques…SCORE! Well….he wasn’t as Godly as I thought…he informed me that I was still plus size and I would be alright once I got to my goal and had some skin removed…yeah, didn’t speak to him again.

I met a few people that were just too far away and it was just more of a friend fit. That’s my problem, I’m a nice person, and I see everyone as a friend. That and I haven’t really found the connection I have been looking for. Most people are nice, but I can't ever see myself being with them forever.

I went to a football game with a date one night then had a nice dinner. He was a really nice and funny guy. The problem there….A. he was too far away, B. he had a love for food that I couldn’t be around. I know that sounds silly. Think of it like this…if a recovering drug addict was staying clean they wouldn’t want to date a drug dealer…this is the same concept. When you live a healthy lifestyle you can’t be around bad foods all the time. It’s just too tempting. Nice person though, and I see him as a great friend…oh and to top it off…he had the coolest truck!!! LOL
I still laugh about that date actually, my favorite part...the shaky table we ate at...all of a sudden I see him grab some sugar packets and pounce under the table as I hear him mutter..."Going in to do surgery" LOL He was trying to level the table. I remember holding the table as he cut his steak because the shaking was driving him nuts.
 My funniest date was one that I can only shake my head and smile about. I had a lunch date one Friday…the guy brought his Chihuahua!!! He is a truck driver; the little thing didn’t have anywhere to go I guess. Anyway so the dog, the date, and I take off for some lunch at Sips. I asked a question and got no response, so I ask the question again…the response….I’m feeling a little cloudy today…I also got ask what medications I was on, what dosages, and if I was on anti-depressants. My response….nah, I’m a pretty happy person…I left that date in shock. A nice guy, but not the man for me.
I had a very nice dinner date with a friend that has been around a while. We had great conversation, but at times I get defeated because he critiques my food too much. Sounds silly I know. He’s a great guy, but something always stops us when we start talking.

I met a man that drove a very nice Porsche. He was tall, had a good job, I thought OK!
…I spent the next hour listening about all the people that had done him wrong…I literally watched his weird mouth and eye brow expressions. I don’t even know what to say. He was nice, but maybe he shouldn’t spend the entire date talking about all the things you’ve done for people and how they treated you in return. I will say…it sounds like he has a great credit score…for any of you looking. 

There have been a few others, but they weren’t all that memorable. So finally, I decide that I’m so tired of going through the process of meeting new people. I just can’t take anymore. No one has measured up to what I want in life; I’ll just wait and let it happen later. People are cruel creatures, but occasionally, if you look hard enough, you’ll catch a fish that God made just for you. If you haven’t found them, don’t give up, just keep fishing!  
I should also mention that I have became friends with a few people. Not all people you meet are bad; they just aren't for you.



The Long Lost

This is beyond past due…sorry I’ve been gone so long guys. I plan on spending today updating everyone on where I ran off to, and of course, we will get back to the FOOD!
The last time I updated was the end of June! Since then so much has happened, as always…LIFE HAPPENED! I’m a very private person, but I’d rather just be honest and tell my story, from A to Z, than to hear that gossip train rolling through.
Today’s is the perfect day to write. The rain is making the most beautiful music on my tin roof and the only thing on my agenda is - OUR BLOG. This isn’t the first time I picked up my laptop the last few months, but it is the first time I plan on not moving until I get all my guys and gals feeling inspired again.
I know this blog is supposed to be about food and recipes, but it has turned into a bit of my therapy as well. I love updating all my friends and family on my crazy, wonderful life. Hopefully people will see that I am REAL. I live life and I still stay dedicated to my lifestyle.
Since the last time I updated, I traveled to Toledo Bend in Louisiana again, as well as many trips to Florida. It seems my friends have all needed me at different times. Toledo Bend is my favorite place. Why you ask? It’s the one place where I don’t have great cell service and I’m so far away from everyone that I can actually rest. I spent a few days relaxing and getting back to ME! John Boy cooked an amazing meal…he used lots of veggies! Another night I made my famous fajitas, if you haven’t tried them you really should.

On one of my trips to Florida, to see Chris, we made some type of concoction that isn’t even picture worthy. Chris loved it, but I wouldn’t even try it. Too many bad ingredients for this healthy chick!

After I traveled thousands of miles, I decided to change out the flooring in my house…simple right? Weekend job and done! WRONG! That simple job turned into a massive house renovation that took weeks! My family and I have never worked so hard. We spent so much time together. I am so proud of my little brother for stepping up and helping my dad get the job done. We still have a guest room to work on, but progress has been made…to the point that I could move back home! I’ll do a separate blog for the actual reno.

 Once my family completed my house it was time to go to the chapel….don’t worry I wasn’t the chick walking down the aisle. Chris and I (the friend) took off in our sparkly threads and celebrated my neighbor and friend being united. Hannah and Dustin are part of my Bible study. The day was so beautiful! That evening we got to spend time with our long lost friend Paul. Paul has been in Mobile for a few years, he was also in town for a wedding. Many laughs later we all left the woods and the fire with big smiles on our faces.

Fast forward a bit….I spent the next couple months hosting showers. Wedding showers, baby showers, a couple birthdays…you name it, I was planning it. The end of the showers was one last wedding. My cousin Kevin married his sweetheart Ashley.

 After all of that it was nice to take a moment to breathe. During all of this I had a little secret…I started dating. WHOA! CALL THE MESSENGER! Cori was, WHAT, dating?!?!? Yes…most people don’t know that in April I ended a very long relationship. In trying to not break any hearts further, I decided to not tell anyone when I attempted to meet new people. I’ve decided to not hide that anymore. Even though I’ve been single for so long I still felt like I was under someone’s thumb. Then I thought to check my license, you won’t believe what I found…my parents faces weren’t there, not my siblings, not my ex’s, but mine! As in, it’s my life…I chose my own happiness and I want to float on cloud nine.

So, yes, I went on a few dates…I will be blogging about that too…I have so many stories now…I take the good with the bad and turn the dates into life lessons. There’s one lesson in there for my family as well as myself. Hopefully a certain person will read and understand what family will get you.

Since the dates, the showers, the weddings, the vacations, the good ole life lessons, I have become a new person. I am so much stronger. I am independent, determined, and not giving up until I find the happiness I deserve. Please stick around and hear all about the reno and the juicy dates.
Oh and I almost forgot…since I updated a got a promotion at work. It took courage to move on from my old department, but it was the best decision I ever made.

I also have lost more weight…I’m 85 pounds down!!! Pics to come of course!! I’m so happy and healthy. It’s amazing what changing your life can do! I’m not done yet…this year I want to get off the last 40! I will get there, no doubt!


Once I get the days of our lives updated I will start working on putting some recipes together for you guys. I’m off work for two weeks; I plan on getting y’all set in that time frame!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Trippin' Around- 2-4

Ladies and Gents, I finally am rested enough to update you on my June trips. I have spent much of the month on the road. The first week I went to Lousiana to visit my best friend. The details on that trip are on the blog already so we will move right along.

The second weekend of the month I made a quick trip to Panama City. Honestly, I floated in the ocean the entire time and I left my phone at the condo, so no photos of this trip. It was short and sweet.

The next week I went to Gulf Shores with my parentals, sister, and her friend. I have lots of food info and trip details on that one in a few...let me finish covering my location for the end of the month first.

The weekend after I came home from Gulf Shores I was suppose to make the trip down to Panama City to be with my other family. My parents are divorced, so I have double everything. The two families plan their beach trips around the same time every year. I decided against going for two reasons. I was exhausted from going non-stop and also because some people will be negative until the day they die and felt the need to create some gossip about me. To avoid an altercation I decided to stay home and have some me time.

On a side note, I have debated on saying anything to the creator of the newest addition of the lies floating around about me. For my own good as well as my families I am going to only call you out on my blog. Since you don't care about me, I figure you won't read this anyway, but hey maybe some of those people from your "grapevine" will get the message back to you....please only spread TRUE statements about me....maybe even run them by me before you get your gossip train rolling...oh any maybe say something believable...HA,you pay for something for me?? my 22 years when has that happened!?!?!? Righhhtttt, so for any of the people on this said grapevine that has been told a juicy story about me, sorry sweets it isn't true...think about the info and your source...don't even bother listening to that!

Ok, now that I have called out the person who always brings me down I can get back to my FAB month!

I spent the entire weekend floating and sunning. I went to church and then hit the water again. I didn't speak to a soul for hours. This weekend I plan on having some girlfriend time, so we can catch up. This is a crazy change for me. I am always super busy and going non-stop. Part of my promise to myself was to make 2013 about me! I am doing things that make me happy, I am weeding out the people that bring me down, I challenge myself to be the best I can be, and I make my decisions based on what I want. I stopped being pushed around, I quit leaving my fate in everyone else's hands. The result, I am happier than ever, so I don't feel bad about vacationing the month away.


A lot of lazy river, pool, beach time as well as shopping was part of our trip. I'm sure the part you all want to know about is my food. We ate at many different places that were all so yummy! I'll show you some of my choices....

The first night I picked up Bubbas for us girls. We were a little late getting there because I let the learning driver get us an hour in the drive (we didn't get too far in that hour). I had gumbo that night. I didn't do anything, but sit on the beach and talk to my friends until I was ready to go to sleep.

The second night...

This is Kimberly, most people call her Kimber, but I call her Lucy...she is the sister! The older she gets the more like me she sounds, she can be witty. She's a bit of a hippie or a tomboy...I'm not quite sure yet. She gets whatever she wants from me; yes, I spoil her. She will always be one of the loves of my life!

Kimber, Myself, and Abbie
These two are super made for a long ride down. Haha!
I am starting to miss these chicks...girls night soon!

This night we went to the Original Oyster House. This is my favorite restaurant...ever! Dad and I love their salad bar and pickled okra. I didn't touch anything on the left side of the plate. Yummy Shrimp Scampi and Fish. (I think Mahi Mahi...can't remember)

The next day was all about catering to Lucy...
I thought she would kill me, but I talked her into some orange lipstick for about three minutes, uhh such a tomboy.

I love bringing some color to her life first thing in the morning.

Told you she was a hippie. The girls got lots of goodies at the Happy Shack.

I'm might not ever get as small as Lucy, but I am catching up.

They make me proud! Your mommas raised you right. ;)

 We went out to Wolf Bay Lodge this night, I forgot to snap a picture. I had grilled shrimp marinated in a pineapple sauce. My favorite part was watching a kid fish with his net. The kid had skills.
 Dad and I watched the sunset as the girls and mom shopped. I love spending time with him.
Went out to the Wharf for a light show...very pretty.

The kids had a blast dancing...

 The entire trip was all about braids for me...Abbie has some mad skills. Thank you Thank you Chick!
This night the girls floated the lazy river while I avoided a nice security guard who kept coming over to chat. I don't know what it is with me and security guards...I must have a flashing sign that says COME GAB WITH ME! After much convincing from him I decided to get in, mostly to take a break from the conversation of his shoes and flash lights. The outdoor pool was completely empty so I opted to take that route to have a few minutes of quiet.

Bubble baths, balconies, and books is what this next day consisted of.


This little guy always reminds me of my friend Chris.

We ate at Bubba's this night...Shrimp for me!

I had a lot of quiet time to myself this trip. This is the first time I went alone in many years.

More shrimp...Hey I like my protein! Didn't have the roll or rice.

This trip was during Father's Day weekend! The man in the red is my hero, role model, and STEP father. I love my mother with my everything, but the fact that a man raised me as his own and taught me so many things makes him mean so much to me!
 He didn't have to put in the time with all of my school projects, driving lessons (starting from the age of 2), house projects, prom decor, just spending time with me etc. Not to mention I was a sick child, he didn't sign up for all the work, but he never treated me any different. If anything I was spoiled by his family as much as my blood relatives.
A couple years ago he had a stroke that turned out to be much more serious than we originally thought. I can remember sitting at my office as tears streamed down my face. Devasted is an you are watching your life in a car crash. We are so lucky that he is still here and even if he is tiny, he's still my daddy! The man that will walk me down the aisle...if I ever jump on that ship.
 When I think of a man that I would want to spend my life with I think of all the qualities my dad has. I am so lucky to have both of my parents in my life that love me as much as they do, so even if I get down about the people that don't love me the way they should, I just think of the people I do have!

Random yes, but hello check out that D!

This was in front of my mom and I. Maybe I am old school, but this isn't ok. I wouldn't dare allow someone to do this. He was grabbing that thing like he was exercising his hand...true story!

The girls spent a lot of quiet time reading....told you they didn't say much.

Every night when we were downstairs the security guard would come sit and chat with me. The last night I was sitting on the edge of the pool alone, in the dark, hiding out. Well what would you know, Mr. security guard found me! He gave me this jacket to take home to a child. I couldn't get him to let me say no, but I couldn't take it home. I left it for the cleaning service. They can take it to their children or take it to lost and found.

Gumbo and Seafood potato from Blue Marlin...It's a must in my family.
This was my cheat meal. I only ate 1/4 of it, but it was super yummy. I never eat carbs anymore...I could barely eat any of it.


Kimber had peach cobbler and that hamburger back there....I don't see where she puts it all.
She also had this while we were there. Hope's Cheesecake.

I got home and brother came to visit me. He didn't get to come with us this trip. His name is Brock, I call him brother. I get it from my grandfathers family. They all call each other Brother and Sister. Yesterday I heard him call me sister, so I guess we are carrying on the tradition.
If you haven't noticed, my brother and sister are both thin and blessed! I am working very hard to be healthy and maybe in that I will one day be closer to their size.
Out of 5 grandchildren I am the one that was overweight. I haven't touched fried foods since 2007 (never liked the stuff) and don't really care for sweets, but that's how the cookie crumbled. I was the one kid that has been sick for years, but I thank the good Lord for putting all the sickness on me and not one of the other four. I know I am strong and can overcome what is thrown at me. I don't want any of them to deal with all the years I went through. I can honestly say I am stronger than ever and feel really good! You can beat any battle if you don't give up!
A few things changed this trip from the one in March....March I lost 50 lbs. This trip I am at 70 lb down! That's only 20 lb in three months, but I will take it. I aim for 2-3 lb a week. I stalled a little while in May, so I'm not complaining.
I feel so much better and I am the happiest I have ever been. I am not home yet, but I'm making great progress.
Until Next Time,

Be the best you can be!


(Week of Dinners coming soon)