Thursday, May 30, 2013

Life Happens

Hey Guys and Gals! 

It's SUMMER TIME....which means....I will be posting more frequently! I have been itching to blog for weeks, but I couldn't in good conscious, when I had school work to do...mainly a Marketing Plan that I put off way too long, as in waiting until the day before it was due. I passed that joker by the way, as well as all of my courses. Now that those classes are OVER I can dedicate more time to you guys!!

I'm so pumped about this Summer! I have several trips planned, so you guys will be getting all the juicy details about each of my adventures!! Along with trips, I plan to try new recipes, try a few new challenges, and work on my house! Yeah, I tend to keep my plate full, when we aren't referring to food, bad food anyway. ; )

I know it has been TOO long since I posted, but you know, Life Happens...a LOT so it seems. I've had a few family members graduating, a couple celebrating 50 years of marriage, and a few moving into their dream homes. I decided family needs to come first, so here we are, finally.

Check out the Life Happens's super cute! It gives me that happy feeling...

I am actually headed out on my first trip of the season tonight! It will definitely be the longest road trip without the parentals. Haha! Since I was in high school my friends and I have traveled alone, but normally we only go about 5 hours away. This trip is 10! I'm excited and can't wait to tell you all about it!

I woke up super early this morning to clean out my car and finish packing, sorry to any of my neighbors that thought a mental patient was walking around in my yard, mornings are rough in my household. After work I'm going to go on a quick dinner date, pick up some new rings, and then hit the road! I will be sure to snap several photos along the way....including the foods I eat!

Now for that one psycho that feels the need to come steal my TV etc...DON'T! I will have family staying there and I have three wonderful dogs and one crazy cat...two of whom would love to bite your leg off! MMKKKKaayy!!! ;)

I'm off to be super productive....I will update y'all with food, fun, and love as soon as I get back from the surprise state....oh where might I be headed??

Until next time,

Be the best you can be!



P.S. Thank you to all my viewers....I've had almost 1200 views...and will probably exceed that are all awesome! I hope I can help at least one of you in some way! Keep being amazing!!

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